1. “Imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters.”
2. “The faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.”
“A genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, 
especially in a setting other than the real world.”
Definitions and links from the Merriam-webster and 
Oxford dictionaries.
Fantasy is a world in of its own where in some cases authors and entertainers 
have set a trend many of us love, to be followed. In other cases they attempt, 
sometimes successfully so, to change the way we perceive Fantasy. 
Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Ranger’s Apprentice, and 
The Mark Of A King of course are just a few examples of amazing stories 
from this week’s genre, but here are a few questions.  
What does it take to be worthy of the Fantasy genre?
The Webster definition in my opinion is correct… but doesn’t really grab the entire 
aspect of the genre. The first Oxford definition I also believe is correct 
but seems to be more like the definition of Fantasize than fantasy. 
The second definition I don’t entirely agree with, as Fantasy doesn’t always 
have to involve magic even though it commonly does. 
I think to be worthy of the Fantasy genre is to capture the imagination 
without the boundaries of what makes sense or what is possible or impossible in our world.
How can we define Fantasy?
Fantasy is the world of dreams for me. A genre where not everything has to 
make sense or be explained. A world where the imagination can go beyond 
what makes sense or what we know.
“The trees were closely packed and menacing even as the fog whispered through the 
tangled branches only to stop short of the banks of the river where brilliant ethereal 
lights danced a warning to the dark fog that shied away in fear….”
That’s off the top of my head and has to be the best way I can describe my vision of fantasy. 
Dreamscapes such as misty lakes, or fog dancing about the trees. 
Cities and worlds where truly anything is possible from towering castles, 
to dark caves, to oceans that extend far beyond the eye can see. 
Creatures from legend or bedtime stories such as dragons, monsters, elves, 
dwarves, or perhaps creatures we’ve never heard of before. 
Creatures hiding in the depths of our imaginations just waiting to be shared with the world 
or in a book we pick up and can’t wait to read as we feel that spark of excitement inside. 
The anticipation of the wonders at our fingertips.
To me, fantasy is the expression of the imagination, without the boundaries of the mind. 
Fantasy is what I see when I’m standing on the beach looking out at the sun setting on the 
ocean waves, and as it glistens, my eyes can see no further, but my imagination can. 
I can fantasize about what’s beyond even if it’s not possible. Can you?

What are a couple of interesting Fantasy books?

What Fantasy books do you like?
Do you write Fantasy?
Is Fantasy your favorite genre?
Comments are welcome!


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